Morning Star Pictures
Finds 3D-Resistant Market

by Jim Stanton
Post Los Angeles Reporter
September 30, 2010
After spending over $100 million, it appears Morning Star Pictures has found the first thing Americans don't want to see in 3D: medical videos.
The "3D-OLOGY" series, which went straight to DVD and BluRay, has failed to sell 97% of its first printing.
"I'm thoroughly surprised," said Charlie Van Deusen, head of development at Morning Star. "People love 3D, they love medical videos. How could this not sell?"
Gary Holmes, a film ratings analyst for the Motion Picture Association of America, may have an answer.
"It's fucking disgusting!" said Holmes. "Do they need to be told that audiences don't want to see a slime-covered fetus come at them through a woman's dissected taint? Really?"
Holmes said the MPAA has been asked to rate the 3D documentaries, though that's usually not required.
"Americans usually don't mind violence, real or fake," said Holmes. "But seeing a bone burst through skin at you is different."
3D-OLOGY is the first documentary series to be rated NC-17.
Truth be told, Morning Star probably knew of audiences' dislike for 3-D medical long before now.
3D-OLOGY was originally packaged as a three-hour iMax feature, until focus groups became "violently ill" watching the it.
"Some puked, more walked out," admitted Van Deusen, "the theaters didn't want it."
It was repackaged as a series for the Discovery Channel, who also turned them down.
"It was worse than 'humans'," said Stephen Reverand, senior VP at Discovery.
With the DVD release busting, 3D-OLOGY may be headed for the vault.
Or maybe not.
"I think I can re-tool it into a medical school entrance exam," said Holmes. "What'd you think?"
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